Famous Dogs In War You've Probably Never Heard Of

Famous Dogs in War
By Kael Laselva

As we approach Independence Day, it is very important to acknowledge and appreciate those whose efforts continue to preserve our freedom. Not all heroes wear capes, or helmets, or boots, or even clothes, some only sport a collar and a tag. Throughout American history, there have been many brothers in paws who have served alongside our military; however, not all dogs are cut from the same cloth. Here are some of the most renowned pups who fought for our country.

Sergeant Stubby- 

Maybe the most famous war dog of them all, Sergeant Stubby, served in 17 battles of World War 1 from 1917-1918. He passed away in 1926, at the age of 10; however, he had a very successful career during the short time he was with us. Stubby saved soldiers from mustard gas attacks, as well as found and comforted the wounded, amongst other heroic deeds. This furry soldier was officially given the rank of Sergeant in April of 1918.


Chips is the most decorated dog from WWII, trained as a sentry canine for the United States Army. This pup was a mix between a German shepherd and a collie, and lived to be 16 years old. He was one of four dogs assigned to the 3rd infantry division, and was eventually awarded the Purple Heart, Silver Star, and Distinguished Service Cross. According to an article written by Tara Ross, documenting the historical career of the hero dog, Chips traveled the world with the US Army, with excursions in North Africa, Italy, and France(https://www.taraross.com/post/tdih-chips-dog).


Lucca was a German Shepherd/ Belgian Malinois mix employed by the Marine Corps for 6 years of total service, used to detect bombs, ammunition, and other threats. This brave fur baby completed over 400 missions throughout her career, and during those missions, none of her human allies were ever harmed. This dog’s resume consists of 3 combat tours in Afghanistan, along with countless patrols. She retired in 2012, and was adopted by her handler Cpl. Juan M Rodriguez, and lived out the rest of her years under his care. She unfortunately passed in 2018.